Verisure Smart CCTV Cameras

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Alarm Monitoring for Home and Business

Verisure Monitored Smart Alarms are connected to our fully licensed Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) to guarantee an immediate response to any alarm event. If nobody is home, our security experts in the ARC can raise the alarm, alert key holders, and initiate a guard response*.

In the case of an emergency, the ARC can also request law enforcement, fire brigade or any other emergency services on your behalf.

Fastest Alarm Response

Our security experts in the ARC are always available to help, 24/7. We respond to alarm activations and emergencies situations, on average, in 45 seconds.

Fully licensed & compliant

Verisure is fully licensed with the Private Security Authority, confirming we adhere to strict industry standards.

Lifetime Guarantee

Our expert technical support and installation team will keep your alarm system, security cameras and other security devices in great condition, for life.

Police & Private Security Guards*

The Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) are able to request law enforcement, fire brigade or any other emergency services on your behalf.

Our security experts can launch a private security guard* response to attend the property, and if necessary, the police.

If a burglary or crime is taking place, police will always be alerted.

* Service provided by a PSA Security Guard (Static) licensed partner

Verisure Private Security Guard monitoring a property
Verisure licensed security expert in our monitored Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC)

24/7 Alarm Monitoring

Verisure monitored smart alarms are connected to our fully licensed Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC), where our trained security experts are available 24/7 to provide immediate assistance.

The ARC will verify the intrusion alert or smoke alarm, and activate the appropriate security protocol, and if necessary, send the fire brigade, ambulance, or police and guard response* to the property.

Our security experts can handle any alarm activation or emergency situation, on average, in 45 seconds.

How do we prevent a break-in in 45 seconds?

Find out about the technology and the people behind the Verisure alarm.


Deterrent Sign Ireland
Burglar Deterrent Sign

The Verisure Deterrent Sign is a warning sign to inform burglars and others that the home is protected and that an entire Alarm System is in place, and that it includes the recording of images.

Moonshot Shock Sensor
Shock Sensors detect intrusions

Our Shock Sensors will trigger the alarm immediately if a burglar tries to break in through doors or windows.

Moonshot central unit
The Central Unit is the heart of the Security System

The central Unit will act as your base of operations. It comes with enhanced features which allows perfect communication between the system and the server.

GuardVision Photo Detector Camera
Photo Detectors take photos for further evaluation

Verisure Photo Detectors will start taking photos as the intruder breaks into your home or business. These photos automatically are sent to our Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) for evaluation.

SVK - Siren, Voice, Keypad
Silent Listening Mode activated from Alarm Receiving Centre

The SVK - Siren, Voice, Keypad, combines 3 key security features into one device: the main Siren, a two-way voice communication with our  ARC Security Officers, and a keypad with customisable features.

Verisure ARC launching a Guard Response protocol
Evaluation and Assessment for Response and Intervention

Our experts from the Alarm Receiving Centre will analyse all information that the Alarm Security System collects, then make an informed decision on whether on-site response intervention is necessary.

Smartphone App Real-time Monitoring

View, monitor and configure your alarm system, security cameras and other security devices in real-time with the smartphone app.

Communicate with family or employees with dual-audio features built-in to many of our cameras and systems.

Motion alerts and notifications are delivered directly to your device, and can be configured to alert you when your children arrive home from school, or when your employees open the shop in the morning.

The 180° Wide-angle Video Doorbell will video call your phone directly when you have a visitor.

Added Value Alarm Monitoring

Monitored Alarm Systems have a lot of advantages over traditional alarm and CCTV systems.

You can be sure your property is safe when nobody is home, and take advantage of a range of added value services that are only possible with the connection our 24/7 Monitored Alarm Receiving Centre.

Alarm Panic Button
Press the panic button to alert the ARC of an emergency situation. The ARC will immediately verify the situation and send a police or guard response (provided by a PSA Security Guard (Static) licensed partner) to your property if necessary.

Medical Assistance Alarm
If you or an elder family member has a medical condition you can use the panic button as a medical assistance alarm, putting your in contact with the ARC immediately, who will then alert family members and send medical assistance or an ambulance to the property.

Monitored Smoke Alarms
Our monitored smoke alarms are connected to the ARC, and will alert the ARC of a fire in your property, even when the alarm is not armed. If 2 or more fire alarms are triggered, or if the ARC can identify signs of fire, the fire brigade and emergency services will be contacted immediately, even if no one is home.

Always Ready 24/7/365
With a Verisure Monitored Alarm System, you can be sure your property is safe when you are not there. The ARC is open 24/7, 365 days a year, and will always be ready to respond an alarm event, even if you are on holiday or away on business. If there is an emergency, the appropriate response will be sent to your property immediately.

Photo detector

Professional Installation is completely wireless, with no structural work of any kind, in just 24 hours

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